Book of Hope Road Edition

Mobile Edition



I was riding through eastern Wyoming and I thought, “man, I sure hope I don’t break down out here.” It was 100 degrees plus and no shade in sight for miles, Big Red don’t fail me now. The old bike was faithful that day despite having over 70,000 miles on the clock. I was glad she came through when I really needed her. We all know that machines will fail or break down at some point, but God is always faithful!

Some things are constant and totally reliable, like the sun, the moon and the seasons. God set these things in place, and they are a constant reminder of His faithfulness to us. If someone has ever let you down when you really needed them, then you realize the importance of faithfulness. If we just ask Him, He has promised to love us, to forgive us and that He will never leave us or forsake us.

The Bible tells us that God requires us to be faithful. Your spouse, your friends and relatives, and the brotherhood of bikers are also looking for faithfulness in you. Faithfulness, or the lack of it, can make or break us in our relationships to God and man.

If you’re thinking this is a difficult thing, you’re right! To be fully faithful we need God’s help and all we have to do is ask. If we lay down our ways and submit to His ways on a daily basis, He will help us remain faithful to Him and those who are depending on us.

If we fail, He forgives, and usually people do, too. Just don’t ever give up!

This life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon! I don’t know about you, but I’m in it for the long haul. I intend to make it the last mile of the way! God has committed to go all the way with us, and carry us if He has to. At the end of this life I want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord!

Keith Turcotte

Read the story about the vine and the branches to see the results of faithfulness in Section 5.23.

I will lead the blind on roads
they have never known;

I will guide them on paths
they have never traveled.

Their road is dark and rough,
but I will give light

to keep them from stumbling.
This is my solemn promise.

Isaiah 42:16