The Book of Hope Road Edition
A 21st Century Evangelism Tool for biker ministries
This is an easy read that takes the four gospels and puts the story of Jesus in chronological order.
A great tool that can be made available to motorcycle ministries throughout the nation. It is designed to present the gospel to the twelve million plus motorcyclists in America.
The driving force behind this project was to create a General Audience Digest pocketsize style Book of Hope to reach the targeted audience of Assemblies of God HonorBound Motorcycle Chaplains, and that of cooperating ministries. The book includes Scripture and non-Scripture text. Approximately 184 pages include the condensed harmonized Gospel story in chronological order, with the remaining pages highlighting the heart-felt needs and stories that best reflect the ministry to bikers.
The Assemblies of God Light For The Lost group paid to produce these books. So we are able to provide the books for FREE when supplies are available. Our goal is to get this book in the hands of every biker we can. In order to do that we are doing limited partnering with other Christian motorcycle ministries in the distribution of the books.
It is NOT a complete New Testament. It is an evangelism tool and a study guide for the life of Jesus as an introduction to Christ. It merely takes the four gospels in an easy to read version (CEV) and puts the story of Jesus in the order it happened so that it reads like a book. Plus there are 6 fill-in-the-blank study sections in the back of the book. This does not take the place of other biker bibles
Why Not A Bible
The number one thing most motorcycle ministries give is a bible. Almost all Americans already have a bible. Why give them another one that they will not read?
Who Is Our Target
We want to get this book in the hands of every biker and motorcyclists in the USA that we can. There are over twelve million!
Will you help?
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Contact Us
Do you want to share a testimony. Testimonies can help us when we get funding for the books.
Or find out if your ministry qualifies to help distribute these books?
The Team

R. Duane Gryder
Project Lead and Author

Keith Turcotte
"Faithfulness" Author

Howard Raney
"Loyalty" Author

Russ Cockrum
"Honor & Respect" Author

Curtis Hubbell
Testimony - "It wasn't supposed..."

Rich Vreeland
Testimony - "Winner"
This Book of Hope Road Edition is specifically written for motorcycle ministries and is copyrighted by this ministry.
IF YOU YOU ARE WANTING BOOK OF HOPE FOR OTHER TYPES OF MINISTRIES such as prison ministries, street ministries, disaster relief, children’s ministries, youth ministries, etc. contact One Hope: 800-448-2425 600 SW 3rd St. Pompano Beach, FL 33060